Custom 500 Grain Excalibur Arrows

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Custom 500 Grain Excalibur Arrow-WY
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You asked for it, we delivered! Our custom fletched Wyvern Excalibur arrows are now available in 500grns!

Your Choice of .001 Wyvern Kraken or Black Eagle Zombie Slayer shafts we have combined 110grn inserts with brass weight washers to bring the total weight of these arrows up to 500grns including a 100grn tip.

Sold in sets of 6, 100grn field points and aluminum flat nocks are included. Illuminated and Rhino nocks available as options.

Note: Wyvern Kraken arrows are fletched with Neon Yellow vanes, Zombie Slayers are fletched with White vanes


All our products are brand new and include the manufacturer’s warranty. Details on this warranty can be found on the manufacturer's website. Additional information on Wyvern Creations policies and shipping information can be found in the Shipping/Policies link at the top of the page. Please review this and the manufacturer’s warranty prior to purchase.

3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Heavy arrows ftw

    Posted by Christopher Helwig on 4th Oct 2024

    I shoot 260fps with these using a 150g broadhead. I shot a buck facing away diagonally at 20yrds &it went through the shoulder on the other side and was sticking out. He ran 40 yards into a thicket. The buck broke the arrow inside his body & pulled half of it out the side it entered. I couldn't ask for a better result with my setup. They shoot a 1in group from of the Exalcaliber 308.

  • 5
    Robin Hood

    Posted by Kurt Glover on 28th Jul 2024

    Don't aim at the same spot twice with these arrows, or else you will Robin Hood. As the other reviewer mentions, they do quiet the crossbow down, but I find that these are healthier for your limbs, especially HO limbs. I'm shooting these with my Assassin 360 and Rev X and out to 40 yards, they are hole punchers. The FOC balance is phenomenal, especially when paired with 100 grain broadheads.

  • 5
    500 grain zombie slayers

    Posted by Tim on 4th Nov 2022

    These arrows are worth every penny! They quiet the bow, and greatly improved downrange accuracy on my mag 340. Especially with fixed blade broadheads

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